Talk the talk, walk the walk, wave the wave

I am beyond delighted to be teaching the UX Design intensive at General Assembly in San Francisco this winter! I am going to try to push myself to share more insights here, since there are many many many coming up, in this classroom of twenty brave badasses who have taken a 2.5-month hiatus from everything normal in their worlds in order to come soak up 25-ish combined years of career experience from me and my fierce co-instructor, Mandy Messer.

A few week one observations:

  • "Innie" (in-house at a software company) design experience is different from "outie" (agency/consulting) experience after all.
  • The social science of UX is as important, if not more so, than the "hard science" or even the art.
  • I do have a story for everything. Folks seem to learn a lot from hearing them. 
  • I love teaching.

Friends, colleagues, students -- please feel free to comment or ask questions! There's a lot going on here -- tell me what you'd like to hear about!

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